Is it illegal to overtake more than one car?

No, there is no specific legislation that outlaws overtaking more than one car at a time, but there are other road rules (not to mention common sense) that suggest it's a bad idea.
Whether you're in a serious rush or just stuck behind a group of Sunday drivers, you sometimes want to pull a The Fast and the Furious-style manoeuvre and zip past a queue of slow-moving cars in one fell swoop. But while there aren't any specific laws prohibiting the move, overtaking more than one car at a time can be hard to pull off without breaking other road rules.
Read on for some related laws and guidance around overtaking that are worth knowing about.
The ACT government's extensive traffic infringement document says you're looking at a $279 fine and two demerit points if you overtake a vehicle when it's unsafe, or overtake a vehicle too closely. While this rule doesn't strictly apply to overtaking more than one car, there's definitely potential for it to be applied to someone overtaking multiple cars in one manoeuvre.
A similar rule applies in Queensland; according to the QLD state government's demerit points schedule, you're looking at two demerit points and a $182 fine for overtaking when it's unsafe to do so. And again in Western Australia, failing to overtake at a safe distance can leave you with a whopping $400 fine and a penalty of four demerit points.
While we couldn't find any information about overtaking more than one car in South Australia, SA's MyLicence website has a section on overtaking. This educational section reiterates the importance of being able to see oncoming traffic when you overtake - which could definitely be hindered if you make a decision to overtake multiple cars at once.
All in all, wherever you are in Australia - on a main road or in the country - you'd be advised to exercise caution whenever overtaking, especially if you're hoping to overtake more than one car at a time.
Perhaps most importantly, speeding is speeding, no matter the circumstances. So if you find yourself exceeding the posted limited in an effort to pass more than one car, you're risking a heavy fine.
You should always consult your insurance agreement for specific advice, but as a general guide, getting into a collision while trying to overtake more than one car could affect your insurance coverage if it's deemed a risky or unsafe manoeuvre. Any indication that you've been driving carelessly and were at fault in an accident could jeopardise your coverage.
This article is not intended as legal advice. You should check with your local road authority to verify any rules you're unsure of.